Considering bringing this powerful movie to your school or institution? We’re looking for our audience on a global scale after starting right here where it was filmed, on the Monterey Peninsula.
War of the Limelight Screening Request Form
First, the Watsonville Film Festival,
Then, the Carmel International Film Festival,

(SEABRIGHT CAN’T BUY TALENT. “Seabright” is the name of the town of the rich kids. YES, we actually made that.)
With a cast/crew/writers of 19 amateurs and 5 professionals, this production produced characters that face the challenges of this generation in an accurate way.
This film was a right of passage for all involved; destined to be this way from the beginning. Our slogan, “dedicated to the next generation,” is our pledge to inspire the next generation of filmmakers by fostering a deep discussion between high school or college students, and the teachers who guide them.
(from the Limelight Facilitator Guide, a manual that accompanies each screening)
“Brock, you’re finished. Let me just take this to Twitter”

2) The two crews collectively use the others’ mobile devices to spread hateful messages and escalate the conflict they were facing on social media. In what ways are online securities important, and how can cyber-bullying affect the lives of your peers? Why is it crucial to protect your devices?
There are 15 great topics like the one above in the “Limelight Facilitator Packet” that comes with the Vimeo VOD Link.
The film is designed to be presented in two ways: 1) in sections with a facilitated discussion/student worksheet, or 2) presented all at once for an assembly/in-class presentation with a discussion on a later day.
The Producers and Director would love the opportunity to personally present this film at your school or institution accompanied with a talk or filmmaking workshop. If you’re interested in a speaking engagement, click the following link to download a PDF that can be used for promotional materials for your administration.
MBuffo Speaker One-Sheet_Limelight Tour
Our national release of this film is a hybrid self-distribution/sponsorship endorsement model with House of 8 Media, a Monterey Peninsula-based local video production agency.
Although this is the product of the Carmel-based HARA Motion Picture Conservatory’s 12th season, this is the first full-length film we’ve created with our students that we truly see going the distance. If you’d like to see more of our work, all our videos can be accessed for free right now on our Watch Page.
Click the following link to sign up for our newsletter and get updates on events for “War of the Limelight.”
“War of the Limelight” Newsletter
Click the following link to request a screening of “War of Limelight.”
War of the Limelight Screening Request Form
Thank you for considering a screening of this powerful film!
Warm regards,
Mike Buffo, Program Director